veWILD staking
veWILD address: 0xc4347dbda0078d18073584602CF0C1572541bb15
WILD can be staked to earn protocol fees. Staked WILD is called veWILD. Initially, protocol fees will be boosted by token emissions.
Aside from the fee distributions, veWILD is also used as a governance token.
WILD can be staked by locking it for a period from 14 days up to 4 years. Locking WILD for a longer period gives you a larger veWILD balance which results in a greather voting power and a larger APR boost.
veWILD = WILD * lockDays / 1460
4 years lock = 1 veWILD
3 years lock = 0.75 veWILD
2 years lock = 0.5 veWILD
1 year lock = 0.25 veWILD
You can claim your earned rewards at any time. However, each time you claim, your veWILD balance will be recalculated based on your current remaining lock time.
This creates an incentive not to claim the rewards to keep the APR high for the whole time of the lock period. Even after the lock period expires, you'll continue to earn rewards at the same rate.
If you wish to claim from time to time but keep your boost at a constant rate, you may claim & re-lock back to the original duration right after.
veWILD is recalculated after the following actions: lock, claim, withdraw
APR formula
((Your veWILD balance / Total veWILD supply) * (daily WILD reward rate * 365)) / Your WILD staked * 100
For example:
You staked 500 WILD for 2 years = you get 250 veWILD
Global supply is 1,000,000 veWILD
Daily WILD rate is 2,500
((250 / 1,000,000) * (2,500 * 365)) / 500 * 100 = ~45.6 % APR
Extend lock amount or time
You may extend the amount of locked WILD at any time. However, decreasing the amount or the lock time is not allowed.
Withdrawal is possible only after the lock expiry. Partial withdrawals are not allowed.
Full balance will be unlocked and withdrawn at once.
Last updated
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